The awesomely-named Giraffes?Giraffes! make math rock of the sort that'll be recognizable to fans of Auto!Automatic!!, Ahleuchatistas, and A Minor Forest. As math rockers and post-rockers keen for, Pink Magick possesses dramatic intros, building layers of instrumentation and rhythm, and infatuation with the experimental. A solid release that'll demonstrate why I don't think it is possible to get tired of guitars and drums. There's some real neat use of keys on here too, check out the track "Transparent Man/Invisible Woman (80,000,000 Years Alone)." They're fond of long ass titles. I should give a nod to artists like Mother Night and other submitters for not letting me forget that I do fancy listening to this sort of music. By the way I've two shorter, earlier releases by
Giraffes?Giraffes! on Spacerockmountain already.
To be had here:
Giraffes? Giraffes! - Pink Magick [256 VBR kbps]
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