Man, I tired of reading about Asia, luckily this is the last semester of my undergraduate degree wherein I need to take a history course for my minor. Nevertheless I've found some time to think about sharing some music with you, and I'm very pleased at the speed by which I can upload albums when using the internet connection at my college.
The music I'm sharing with you today, friends, is from the CLLCT (who's site won't load at the moment for me, what's up with that?). Anyways, for those of you who haven't been there, it is basically a website where musicians can upload and share their music to be downloaded free of charge to all those interested. Not gonna make them money, but hopefully provides them with much needed exposure. Undeniably they've won my heart by not asking me to spend money on them before hearing them, plus they're the real indie, not even signed to a small label in many cases.
Anyhow, Cara del Gato is one of these artists providing his songs free to us, and I've taken the liberty to repackage it into a zip file for ease (this is my main issue with CLLCT that there aren't full ablum links last time I checked, save torrents). Green Fingers is a short album, just barely topping 15 minutes. The breif, quirky, lo-fi songs are remarkably charming. The lyrics are seemingly pure nonsense, but that is a large part of the appeal for me. Additionally, the simplistic instrumentation reflects that this fella likely recorded this stuff in his bedroom or basement. If CLLCT gets its ass going again he does have more albums shared and I recommend hunting them down there.
To be had here:
Green Fingers [128 kbps]