My pal just sent me the link of this yesterday and I was jazzed as all hell to see it. Bonifrate is a Brazilian musician that outside of his solo work is in the outstanding band
Supercordas. Admittedly I do vaguely know Bonifrate from years ago downloading music over p2p. However, I am never unbiased on this blog, so it hardly makes a difference if he is an acquaintance.
Um Futuro Inteiro is one stellar example of lo-fi psychedelic pop. It is completely in Portuguese but not understanding lyrics has never diminished the enjoyment of an album for me in the past and this remains true when I hear Bonifrate's beautiful vocals. Truly an exceedingly skillfully crafted album that really shows how great stripped down psych-pop can be. I'm raving for a reason, pilgrims, for it is so fine.
To be had here:
Bonifrate - Um Futuro Inteiro [320 kbps]
I cant download from this site. BTW, great blog you got. I discover new music through you every week- Thanks
There is a link to mediafire on that page that the musician set up himself, however it is all in Portuguese so I can see how it's easy to miss. Click on "Baixe aqui" as that is the link to the mediafire download. Or just copy and paste this:
Thanks. Really a gemm this album. Supercordas as well