It is one hell of a wet and blustery day in Detroit. Therefore I've given up on trying to make it home straight away, I've even left my bike in the back room at work as it's of little use in heavy winds. Brilliant reason just to duck into a place with wifi and post this submitted album I didn't get a chance to write-up before. Michael Beach's label, Twin Lakes Records, likes to send me many albums, and I don't always give them enough due. Mountain + Valley is sort of eclitic album with tracks that remind me of somber country of Mayday and others that are far closer to guitar-driven post-punk. Neatly enough he doesn't sing differently, and this really called to my attention the changes in the music. I like the album enough that I'll probably go through the trouble to hunt down his previous release, and those of his band Electric Jellyfish. This isn't a free download, though streamable in the entirety, and I won't ruffle their feathers by passing it out blatantly here.
To be had here:
Michael Beach - Mountain + Valley