Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chris Rehm - Salivary Stones (2010)

First thing I wanna say is Warren has been doing a top-notch job in my failure to devote proper attention to the blog. This is been a side effect of a recent car accident that has dramatically upset me to the point where music listening was not very much on the top of my agenda. However, one must soldier on and so I've decided to start with something easy to share. Chris Rehm sent me this stuff after is discovered this little nook on the internet here and liked it I suppose. It is his drone/noise/psychedelic musical efforts. The results are in the vein of Wet Hair and Super Minerals. I'd not place too much weight on my comparisons and just download the man's generously donated free album.

To be had here:
Chris Rehm - Salivary Stones [192 kbps]


  1. Thanks for the shout out, I hope you're doing well after your accident.


  2. I can't get this one downloading, sounds great though.

  3. The link seems in order to me, but if more people have issues be sure to say so and I'll re-up it.
