Saturday, November 8, 2008


Yet again, our internets have been disabled. This time at the fault of our foolishly bull-headed neighbor we negotiated a deal with. Long story short, you can't call your landlord a motherfucker and fully expect to continue residence in his property. Alas, just another obstacle to be overcome in order to post anything to this blasted blog. I do have an excellent offering for today that I luckily already had uploaded in anticipation of a future post.
Islaja, a Finnish lady that makes remarkable psych-folk music. The stuff she releases is ambient-like and has a large range of instruments used, and all for the definitely strange folk vocals she provides. Her voice is utterly mesmerizing to me. To bolster her credentials as an experimental folk singer, she has worked as a member of the exceedingly fantastic Finnish group Kemialliset Ystävät. If you don't like her stuff I'll consider that fact that you have some lacking quality as a human being if we ever interact at a later time.

To be had here:

Meritie (2004)

Palaa aurinkoon (2006)

Ulual Yyy (2007)


  1. [img][/img]

    Islaja - Blaze Mountain Recordings [2008]


  3. you may perhaps be limiting your interactions to a very select few! (lol) i happen to be among those few.

    much thanks!
